The project “Drones4HER – Save the historic gardens´ heritage using drones”counts with the collaboration of Tourism Development Collodi in Italy as the leader and with Telewander in Denmark and the European Route of Historic Gardens Association in Spain, as partners.
Drone technology is evolving very rapidly, and the images and data they capture can be used in multiple applications, including monitoring, presentation, detection, mapping and recording of the state of the art of cultural heritage. The historic gardens are part of the green heritage that is our history linked to plants, botanical species and the plant environment
Strength the employability of gardeners
Drone4HER will offer the three partner organizations (Tourism Development Collodi in Italy, Telewander in Denmark and the European Route of Historic Gardens in Spain) the opportunity to share their know-how to create a redevelopment path for professional gardeners who work in historic gardens and work for the maintenance of our cultural heritage.
Drone technology will address digital transformation between traditional ways of working and labour market needs. Drone4Her will strengthen the employability of gardeners, “green” professionals, in line with the Europe 2020 Strategy for new skills and jobs, and will use new technologies in the restoration, conservation and enhancement of gardens.
The three partner organisations will acquire the capacity to work transnationally and across sectors. An online manual, course, and training on drone technology for professional gardeners will be available as OER and will address the needs of a digital transformation of the gardening profession, in particular, those of the European Route of Historic Gardens.
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